The Editing Internship Program
Florida Phoenix
Contact name: Danielle Brown Email: danielle@floridaphoenix.com

This internship is a great opportunity to write news stories about policies that Floridians care about, work closely with long-time reporters who are experts in the field, and gain a solid understanding of how the legislative process works.
In addition, it's an excellent opportunity to diversify a student's writing skills, add clips to their portfolio, and boost their resume with a unique work experience.
Interns would be expected to:
-- attend committee meetings in the Florida Capitol building and reporting on these meetings
-- talk with lawmakers, government officials, and concerned Florida citizens getting quotes for stories
-- analyze state politics and how it affects Floridians and explain this relationship to readers
-- collaborating with Phoenix reporters in other ways to help get the story out
-- other tasks, such as refer to data sheets or take photos, needed to complete a story
The first week of the internship will help the student get familiar with the legislative process and how reporting news on an online news site works.
Ideally, the internship would start one week before the session starts and one week after it ends, running from Jan 4. through March 17. However, the internship supervisors are willing to work with a student's schedule if the last week runs up against midterms or another conflict.
They will work to be flexible with someone's schedule, but ideally would like an intern who can come in Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, as that's when the lawmakers generally work in the Capitol building. If any students are interested in this internship, please email Danielle Brown at danielle@floridaphoenix.com.