The Editing Internship Program
Florida Authors and Publishers Assocation (FAPA) and Hallard Press
Contact name: John Prince, President of FAPA
Email: john.prince@myfapa.org

Florida Authors and Publishers Assocation (FAPA) and Hallad Press each have a virtual internship position, working directly with the president of the association. Interns would get a first-hand look at how independent publishing operates into today's industry, as well as interact with editors, publishers, and writers on a regular basis. They would also help organize their annual conference and assist with the promotion and implementation of their international book award competition. This is a paid position. Interested applicants should send inquiries and a current resume to John Prince, President of FAPA and Partner / Creative Director, Hallard Press LLC at john.prince@myfapa.org copying John@HallardPress.com with the subject line "FAPA/Hallad Press internship query."