For our next entry in the Where Are They Now series, we interviewed former intern Chase Clough about her experience with the Editing Internship Program as well as what she’s been up to since finishing her internship. She has always loved writing and working on media projects, and she is currently pursuing these interests through a double major in Advertising and Editing, Writing, and Media (EWM). She completed her internship for the EIP during summer 2021 and graduated this past December.
A big part of the EIP internship is managing the program’s various social media platforms, and Chase initially applied because of her interest in social media management. This would also allow her to develop useful skills that she had been learning from both her majors as well. Writing and editing content for the program’s website and blog in addition to promoting the EIP’s accounts tied directly into her EWM and Advertising majors and built upon the skills she had learned from each of them.

Since finishing her summer internship, Chase has been interning with the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS). She heard about the opportunity through an alumna she had interviewed for the EIP and applied through InternFSU. This role has her conducting interviews with students and faculty within the college and has created posts for the college’s social media accounts. She also was given the opportunity to write an article for Spectrum, the college’s official alumni publication, and she is also currently working on a video editing project. The work Chase did for the EIP transitioned very well into her internship with the CAS, as both internships involved writing and editing articles, creating content for and managing social media platforms, and conducting interviews. When describing how the EIP internship prepared her for her future internship, she said that she “was able to gain experience interviewing different individuals. Connecting with people is an important skill, and it’s one I use daily as an intern for the College of Arts and Sciences. I was chosen for my current position because of those skills and my writing abilities.”
Being an undergraduate student, Chase remembers what it was like to be new to FSU and the college environment, and she advises new students on campus to get involved in as many activities and areas of campus life as they can. Her experience taught her that “You get to meet so many interesting people and fine tune your interests.” Chase’s extracurriculars also led to her deciding on her second major and shifted her career goals.